'New Frontiers' to Feature Fly Little Bird Foundation’s Ultra Rare Disease Research Efforts in Upcoming Episode
Planet TV’s “New Frontiers” highlights Fly Little Bird Foundation’s quest to advance ultra-rare disease research, airing on Fox Business in 2025.
BOCA RATON, FL, UNITED STATES, December 30, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Planet TV Studios is pleased to announce that its latest installment of the acclaimed documentary series “New Frontiers” will highlight the Fly Little Bird Foundation, a family-led non-profit organization dedicated to advancing research and treatment for an ultra-rare disease. This episode is set to air on Fox Business during the first quarter of 2025, offering viewers an exclusive window into ultra rare disease advocacy and research.
Family foundations and rare disease advocacy organizations such as Fly Little Bird Foundation play a vital role in advancing research and policy for conditions that are not well known or understood but that have profound and life-altering impacts on those who have them as well as their families and loved ones.
Through strategic research collaborations and patient-centered initiatives, Fly Little Bird Foundation seeks to bring hope and awareness to patient communities and to push forward scientific research and eventually a treatment for those with TBL1XR1 gene variants. TBL1XR1 gene variants have been linked to intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, and defects of the brain, heart, and kidney. By bringing their efforts to a broad television audience, “New Frontiers” aims to inform viewers about the importance of raising awareness and understanding of ultra-rare disease, community and connectivity within rare disease communities, research-driven care, and collaborative problem-solving.
"New Frontiers" is recognized for examining visionary endeavors that shape the future of science, healthcare, and humanitarian outreach. This new episode delves into the pioneering techniques and methods employed by the dedicated network of scientists, researchers, and clinicians that have partnered with Fly Little Bird Foundation. It also shows the immense benefits of bringing together families, caregivers, and children from around the world who have the same genetic condition.
“We are honored to bring viewers the important work of the Fly Little Bird Foundation,” said Christian Alain, Executive Producer at Planet TV Studios. “Their unwavering commitment to improving lives of those with an ultra- rare disease through scientific research, raising awareness, and advocacy exemplifies the spirit of progress that defines ‘New Frontiers.’ We look forward to sharing their story and illuminating the profound impact they have within the rare disease patient and research community on Fox Business in early 2025.”
By featuring this narrative, “New Frontiers” not only underscores the ongoing journey of discovery but also encourages a more informed conversation about the power of medical science, collaboration, and perseverance in driving meaningful change.
For additional information about the Fly Little Bird Foundation and their work, please visit https://www.flylittlebirdfoundation.org.
About Gina Grad
Planet TV Studios is delighted to welcome Gina Grad back as the host of this episode. A distinguished radio personality, author, and podcast host, she infuses every project with her characteristic energy and flair. Renowned for her work on The Adam Carolla Show and for penning the children’s book about blended families, My Extra Mom, Gina brings a wealth of expertise and enthusiasm to New Frontiers.
About New Frontiers
"New Frontiers" is a groundbreaking television series that offers a thought-provoking look into significant societal, scientific, and cultural issues. Produced by Planet TV Studios, each episode features in-depth interviews, field reports, and expert analysis that reveal the individuals and organizations reshaping the world through innovation and dedication.
Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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